Rivers Metal Products is used to receiving unique requests. In fact, the company enjoys them. So when Lincoln artist Shannon Hansen came to Rivers Metal Products with a maquette of a large-scale paper airplane, Todd Rivers first words were “interesting.”
The project arose from the city’s efforts to enhance key entry points into Lincoln, which utilized only local talent to create its permanent installation. The sculpture titled Pitch, Roll & Yaw, is 14,000 pounds, 23-feet tall, with a 20-foot wingspan.
The Duncan Family Trust, created by the Karen and Robert Duncan family, funded -- and inspired -- the idea for the sculpture. A marble paper airplane from Italy in their own collection gave them the idea said Robert Duncan, former chairman of Duncan Aviation. The Duncans and their curator approached Hansen and knew of Rivers Metal Products reputation for fabrication with other artists.
“The Rivers Metal Products crew were instrumental in taking the maquette and helping to figure out the size, scale and design,” said Hansen.